The heart of our heat pumps

Our game-changing, fully-patented compressor – a unique, disruptive technology which brings all the benefits of a centrifugal compressor to lower capacity applications, such as sub-MW high temperature heat pumps.
TurboClaw operates at greatly reduced speeds without oil, yielding lower manufacturing, operating and maintenance costs, allowing Futraheat to target the most common applications where other compressor types can’t compete cost effectively.
TurboClaw® radically alters the economic case for industrial heat pumps and paves the way to rapid market adoption.
How it works
TurboClaw is a compact, power dense, centrifugal compressor – with oil-free magnetic bearings and just one moving part. Because of its unique, 2D geometry, not only does it deliver equivalent pressure ratios at less than half the rotational speed of other compressors, it is also simple and low-cost to manufacture.
Its patented geometry lends itself to conventional materials and mass manufacturing, whilst its lower operating speed eases problems typically seen with electric machine drives and bearings, which traditionally hindered turbo compressors in low flow rate applications.
TurboClaw offers oil-free compression, low-parts count and high efficiency, resulting in a lower cost per kW of heat delivered – with the capacity to deliver heat up to 200 degrees and beyond.
Futraheat fully owns all rights to TurboClaw.